









Hello everyone, Kate here.

The weather in Vancouver continues to change so much every single. day, and I can’t know for sure if it’s hot or cold until I step outside on that day.

As I mentioned a while ago, I am currently living in a shared house with about 5 other people, which has been a very interesting journey.
It’s full of experiences I have never had before.
I thought it would be somewhat similar to living in a dorm like I did back in middle school, but no.
I mean obviously because there are no rules and regulations like in a dormitory and everyone lives as they please.
Moreover, most of them are college students who are currently on summer break, and I am the only one who wakes up at 7:00 a.m. every day for work.
So what exactly happens is that, sometimes I get woken up at 2 am on Mondays when I hear someone screaming from the next room in a heated online game, someone would put a closed can in the shared freezer and it explodes, splashing coke all over my frozen udon, and another day I’d get thirsty at 3 am and go to the kitchen and there’d be a pizza in the oven, made from scratch, the dough and all.

I had been living with one or two other people in the same house and sharing the kitchen for the last 3 years of university, so I thought things would be the same, but…
But it seems that I hit the jackpot with my roommates in Toronto.
Also, there was this one roommate with whom we simply didn’t share the same taste in perfume, and every time I walked by them, I got a little upset. This one’s hard because there is no solution, because it’s no one’s fault.
It’s only been a month and a half so I’ve been able to coexist with them, but if I had to do this for six months or a year, I can only imagine how hard it must have been.
Even though the house in Toronto was not perfect, it made me realise how well it suited my life cycle and personality.
There were many other small differences, including stuff between the city and the countryside, but if I were to write a very emotional impression, I would say that sharing a house is just perfect for around two people who share the same rhythm of life.

Also, it’s really good if you share the same sensitivity to what you would consider a dirty kitchen.
I’m not a clean freak at all, but there were some people who just didn’t match the way I use the kitchen, and this was quite stressful.
I mean, in all honestly, I’d love to live alone if I could! There are many reasons why I can’t realistically do it, but I prefer to live alone!!!


                                                          B O O K W O R M   K A T E


Posted by kate0425