We used the ferry and bus to get to Bintan, and it took a real long time to arrive at the village.
It was so isolated and remote! No wonder not much tourists go there!
The place we stayed was like a little eco resort, the bungalows and cold showers type.
Where we stayed wasn't too bad in terms of looks and everything, but probably due to the weather and humidity, everywhere felt just so.. damp.
During the day it was EXTREMELY hot, and at night it rained every night and was freezing cold.
I don't know how many times I woke up at night. It wasn't quite comfortable on that note.
After coming back to school on Thursday, our class felt quite empty.. There were about 7 people away!
1 had food poisoning apparantly, 2 got a fever, and 2,3 were just away because they were too tired to go to school.
It surprised me most when 2 people got a fever in school, like one of them looked quite unwell during the science presentation we did before lunch time and just went missing after lunch. I texted him afterschool, and turned out he got a random fever.
Don't know how I managed to survive..
About the food there, I am strangely picky on my food so whenever there are these sort of camp/trips, I just end up always eating a lot of the fruits and not much food.
The result? 3 months into FIB, and I lost about 3kg.
I just found these denim shorts that I loved a couple years back, but then grew out of it.