I wrote my blog post drafts on my iPad notes, opened notes on Mac, and for some reason, the post disappeared in front of my eyes.
Literally went “whoosh” in front of my eyes. Lowkey really sad.
This happens way too often.
With a blink we’re already more than halfway into May, and I’m planning to fly over to Canada by August.
Well, that was my initial plan when I thought COVID would calm down by then and UToronto would have in-person classes.
I haven’t gotten any updates, so god knows how that would go.
But I’m already short on time, so although things might be cancelled, I need to get started- or else, even if COVID allowed me, I wouldn’t be able to move.
My biggest problem right now is residences.
I wanted to go into the university’s boarding dorms, as it is quite close to campus and convenient, has meal plans, and I don’t need to get all my furniture and stuff.
But UToronto’s dorms prioritise first-year students, and second-year students are only given rooms if there are some left after all first-years get inside; I will be in my second year by the time I get over.
So I’m only on the waitlist and at this rate, probably won’t be able to get in!
This means I probably have to look for rooms to rent… In a country I’ve never lived in…